The effect of low-quality gasoline on engine operation


Every car enthusiast who deals with a gasoline engine knows the basic rules, the implementation of which ensures easy operation of the lever. The main ones of these rules are:

  • Carry out regular engine maintenance in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations;
  • Change filters and monitor the condition of the ignition system;
  • Do not overload the engine and do not exceed the recommended speed;
  • Avoid sudden changes in engine speed and temperature.
The effect of bad gasoline on engine speed. The check light came on.

But, of course, the most important commandment of a motorist is the obligation to fill the car with quality fuel. And only if this condition is met, all the previous points will make sense.

Low-quality fuel leads to a decrease in engine power, deterioration in fuel economy and damage to mechanisms.

One of the main parameters of fuel quality is octane number. It indicates the ability of gasoline to burn steadily without detonation (unwanted spontaneous combustion). High octane means that gasoline can withstand the required pressure and temperature inside the engine without premature combustion.

An important indicator is the content of impurities in the fuel. Water or the excessive presence of certain metals can lead to corrosion and failure of the fuel system. The presence of various contaminants in gasoline also ends in clogging of filters and injectors which will inevitably lead to a decrease in engine power.

The performance of the ignition system of a gasoline engine is also inextricably linked to fuel quality. The technician has probably already told you this if you had to troubleshoot problems in this area.

In general, for a gasoline engine to perform at its best, it is necessary to use quality fuel. with the octane number and minimum impurity content required by the manufacturer. And these parameters can only be set under conditions of laboratory research.